Eligibility to apply for CMPI Certification examination

Note: Those candidates who have already applied and application is approved in past 2 years NEED NOT APPLY the online application. (Ex: Say you have applied in 2021, then you can write exams without re-applying in 2021 or 2022 or 2023.)
Such candidates can directly appear for the written/oral examinations as per the schedule after paying requisite fees.
- AERB recognised M.Sc in Medical Physics course from an university/ institution, with two years’ clinical experience immediately prior to appearing for the membership examination.
- M.Sc in Physics with one-year Postgraduate diploma in Radiological Physics from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre or equivalent thereto (AERB recognised) and minimum of two years of clinical experience immediately prior to appearing for the membership examination.
- Provide letters of references from two senior physicists of whom at least one of them should already be a member of the College of Medical Physics of India with whom he/she has worked with, clearly stating that the candidate has the required clinical experience to undertake the membership examination. In case the candidate has not worked with physicists who could provide the above reference, the same can be provided by a Radiation Oncologist.
- In the case of candidate qualified in India or abroad and working in India- AERB Radiation Professional registration number to be provided.
View Revised Scheme | View CMPI Exam 2024 Schedule | View Instructions for Online Application